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Student Membership

Top 10 Reasons for joining SCEC

CEC is the leading voice for special and gifted education. The Council ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation, establishes professional standards for the field, and develops initiatives to improve special education practice. Additionally, CEC is known as a quality source for evidence-based information, resources, and professional development for special educators. 

Membership Benefits:

  1. Publications - Stay on the cutting edge with the high-impact, up-to-the-minute research
  2. Books, Media, Training - CEC's articles, books, videos, and CD ROMS cover the entire agenda of social, legal and educational issues of children with exceptionalities
  3. Career Development - essential training programs, materials, planning, & continuing education opportunities.
  4. Advocacy and Support - CEC is a major voice in Congress, the courts, and the U.S. Department of Education.
  5. Discounts on Resources - Enjoy savings of up to 30% on CEC publications/professional events
  6. Career Connections - Register your resume, view special education job postings, and access a list of recruiters
  7. Economic benefits - Options include Health Savings Accounts, Health Plans
    • Life, long term care, disability, and Auto Insurance
    • Professional Liability and Other Insurance
    • Council for Exceptional Children MasterCard Credit Card
    • CD’s and Money Market Accounts
    • Rental Car Discounts
    • Retirement Planning 
    • Professional Liability and Other Insurance
    • New! Identity Theft Protection
  8. Professional Divisions - Join one or more of the 17 CEC special interest divisions, allowing you to tailor your participation to your particular area(s) of expertise
  9. Peer Networking and Leadership Opportunities – The most extensive network of professional special educators
  10. Up-to-the-Minute Access via the Web - Access the latest updates, on news in special education

Student members performing educational duties under the supervision of a licensed educator can purchase an individual $1 million policy for an annual premium of only $15.

For information on how to join CEC go to

If you have any questions, please contact: 

Student CEC Flyer

Last Updated:  4 March, 2021

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